About 2-3 months ago I decided to try plant-based diet, primarily for my health: My annual physical was a wakeup call like the annual physicals are of us mature glorious gals! My doctor found my blood pressure elevated. What else can you tweak when you are already eating healthy foods. Take a more thorough look. My 1st entry was gluten free. I tried making my own starter for sourdough bread. It didn’t work. After researching I found a local bread baker who makes their own starter literally the old-fashioned way with sprouted grain flour, water and sealed container!

Who can survive on just sourdough bread? I am Italian! I began watching documentaries and that lead me to explore plant-based meals.

Importance Of Seeds and Vegetables

This did not occur over 1 week or 1 month. It has taken about 3-4 months and I admit I am 80-90% plant based. During the week I consume fresh fruit for breakfast lunch, and mid-day snack! Often dinners contain beans, seeds, vegetables! For example: I order avocado toast without added feta cheese. However, the bread used as base is a garlic goat cheese bread. As good as that bread is today, I selected a whole grain. The nutty flavor was tongue tingling with avocado and tomato! I will stick with the whole grain. The biggest lesson I am learning is that I’ve become overtly conscious every moment about the food choices I make. This weekend I experienced pre fixe menu. I ate the salad, carrots, potato and asparagus. The biggest change in the past 3 months is that I lost about 10 pounds and my blood pressure fell from123/80 to 114/62. The journey continues